Thursday, November 21, 2013

driveSRT Social and Web Landing Pages

Social Media advertising is more of a banner to wave for fans of the company that you're promoting. A website or flyer will try to sell you something. Good Social media keeps their fans informed/interested and proud of their page.

The following are a few pieces both used and unused for the driveSRT facebook page that have gone through the creative system.

A good website landing page catches the user's interest and doesn't impede them from using the website/loading the page. I've been involved in retouching/designing and preemptively designing new landing pages for driveSRT's latest events and products in during the past few months. (Who can really predict the winner of a race? However if it happened they wanted a new page to go up ASAP, which I think is pretty cool.)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Magazine Layouts

For the past 6 months or so I've been pulled in and out of production on the ongoing Mopar Magazine for spring and summer issues as an assistant graphic designer. It's been an experience going into images and retouching while also utilizing them for layouts and reincorporating them into multiple pieces.

The magazine has an industrial looks and feel. mostly designed by our lead art director and head creative Jen McMasters. My main job in previous issues was retouching, outlining and reformatting images for use, however a few of my layouts were accepted in the ongoing automotive magazine.

 (Pages 24-25 in the Mar-Apr issue)
(Pages 38-39 in the May-June issue)
(Page 9 in the Mar-Apr Issue)
With multiple events going on for oncoming automotive functions I've been getting put on all manner of different high-detail and multiple-parted projects.

It was fun and challenging getting to design layouts for print, and I am grateful I had the opportunity.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dice of March

A while back I was approached by a friend from college about doing a logo design for their new Boardgame Company. I was more than happy to start production and who doesn't like working in Greco-Roman influenced design every now and again?

We narrowed down multiple designs to a more "seal" style of logo with an emphasis on marbled stone.

After applying multiple colors, a more blue and silver color setting was used for the final design. A few minor tweaks to lighten the texture on the skin and make the logo more readable resulted in the final design.
Check out their games and products here: